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Interfaith Affiliations

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Founded in 1970, the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee is a non-profit interfaith agency through which thirteen judicatories collaborate to address the social issues affecting the quality of life in the greater Milwaukee area. These thirteen judicatories (or denominations) have among them approximately 500 congregations in the Milwaukee area.


In 2003, representatives of the eleven denominations and faith groups that made up the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee voted to admit the Islamic Society of Milwaukee to full membership in the Interfaith Conference. The ISM was the first addition in thirty years.

Common Ground is a non- partisan organization comprised of 44 small businesses, congregations, non-profits, colleges and labor unions. The development of Common Ground began in 2004, with a group of 38 religious, civic and business leaders. April 13, 2008 was the official launch of Common Ground when 2328 delegates from over 50 groups came together to formally constitute the new organization and declare their membership.


Common Ground is a part of a national network affiliated with Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), the oldest and largest institution for professional organizing in the United States. IAF organizations have been successful in passing legislation that extends affordable, quality healthcare, getting affordable housing units built; instituting school reform and effective job training; urban reinvestment and many other social issue campaigns.



Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH) is a multi-racial, interfaith organization committed to addressing justice issues that have an impact on the community and on the members of MICAH congregations. MICAH’s goal is to empower people to act together in pursuit of justice, and to organize so that people of many traditions can come together to speak with one voice for justice. MICAH deals with many issues. MICAH’s motto is taken from the Biblical prophet Micah, “To Do What Is Just.” MICAH’s tools for ensuring justice are education, training and action.

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